from a retreat...
we just got back from a Re-Encounter Retreat last last weekend but since i'm updating this blog only now, this piece of news still is relatively new. may ask what is a Re-Encounter Retreat. i'm sure one way or another you have heard of the term retreat and is associated with spiritual things. the objective of a retreat, as the word suggests, is that you get out of the "world" for a while and try to find some meaning or answers to questions you may have in your heart and mind. that was just the case this time.
since most of the participants are workers in the church, it was also an opportunity for them to just have some peace and quiet.
if there was one thing i went home with from that retreat was the reassurance that i am loved so much by the Lord of heaven and earth and just as the Holy Scripture says, "nothing can separate us from the love of Christ!". i find my worth in Jesus and not by anything else.
i was so inspired i got to write this poem...hehe.
Let me sit O Lord at Your feet
For there I know I can weep
Cry out hurts and even confusion
A heart that's full of contrition.
Let my heart and ears hear You speak
Find my strength when I'm weak
It's Your grace and wisdom I'll expect
Make whole what was broken and wrecked.
Let me know You even more deeply
To be forever in awe of Your majesty
Yet also to feel Your nearness now
Tells me that truly I am loved by Thou.
Oh that You let me be Your child
And called me before the earth's foundation
I declare now You're more than, beyond kind
Because only in You rests my salvation.
-hazella, may '06
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